Your credit history is crucial when making a big purchase, like a new home or car. MyFICO, the consumer division of FICO, helps to avoid any annoying surprises by giving you access to your credit scores from all three reporting bureaus, along with alerts when there’s activity on your credit report and much more. For everything you need to know about MyFICO, keep reading.
See all the best credit monitoring services here. Features
MyFICO provides your FICO scores, along with where you stand compared to top scorers and how your score could impact things like interest rates and monthly payments. You can even run simulations on how certain activities, like opening a new credit card, may affect your score.
Scores Customized to Your Goals
Creditors will use different criteria to determine eligibility for a home loan versus a car loan. MyFICO customizes your score according to your goal with up to 28 FICO score versions. This gives you the ultimate score accuracy based on the loan you want.
Credit Reports
Access you credit reports and easily view the factors that are affecting your credit. If you spot any errors, you can dispute them.
Credit Monitoring
MyFICO will notify you of any changes to your credit scores and reports. If you choose a plan with identity monitoring, you’ll also be alerted if they detect any suspicious activity.
Identity Restoration
MyFICO provides $1 million in identity theft insurance, and they’ll help you 24/7 to restore your identity in the event a criminal damages your credit. Lost wallet protection offers coverage for credit cards, debit cards, checkbooks, driver’s licenses, Social Security cards, passports, military identification cards, traveler’s checks and more.
Score Simulators
MyFICO provides a useful tool that shows how various activities may impact your credit scores. For example, you can see how your scores might look like if you take out a car loan or pay down debt. Use this tool to test specific scenarios and increase your knowledge of how credit scores work. Plans & Pricing
MyFICO offers three different plans that cover a range of credit monitoring needs:
Pricing per month | $19.95 | $29.95 | $39.95 |
Bureaus | Experian | All 3 | All 3 |
Frequency of updates | Monthly | Quarterly | Monthly |
All plans provide:
- FICO scores
- Credit reports and monitoring
- $1 million in identity theft insurance
- 24/7 identity restoration services.
The Advanced and Premier plans come with identity monitoring as well.
Bottom Line
MyFICO has all the information you need when it comes to your credit, including your FICO scores, credit report and educational content to help you better understand how the credit system works. Because of its pricing, the service is best suited for those who want a detailed look at their FICO scores, to get the most favorable terms on a new major credit line.
Otherwise, a cheaper or free service – like CreditWise – should be able to fit your needs.
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